
Jewel Of The Crown Meaning

Y'all Are A Crown

A Crown To HusbandA CROWNING Gem!

Where exercise you fit with your husband? You may have read the famous quote of Matthew Henry on the creation of the woman, "The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam, non made out of his caput to rule over him, nor out of his feet to exist trampled upon past him, only out of his side to exist equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and almost his heart to be beloved."

The Discussion of God too tells the states in i Corinthians 11:7 that the "woman is the glory of the homo." As the glory of the man, she is also a crown to accolade her married man.

Proverbs 12:iv says, "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: only she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his basic." I love the Amplified version which says, "A virtuous and worthy wife – earnest and stiff in grapheme – is a crowning joy to her husband."

Isn't information technology interesting that God says a virtuous woman is a crown? She is not to be trodden underfoot. She is not to exist looked down upon. She is non junior. She is a crown. A crown is worn upon the caput. A crown is something that is dazzlingly cute. Information technology is usually made of gilded and ornamented with precious gems. It is a token of honor.

Noah Webster'due south 1928 dictionary says: 'To crown' means to invest with royalty. To bestow something upon as a marking of laurels or dignity; to adorn, dignify; also to award first rank.

Betoken five of 'to crown' In Webster's says, "Anything which imparts dazzler, splendor, honor or finish; also the highest state or quality of anything." And on this point he quotes Proverbs 12:four.

A virtuous woman adds distinction and dignity to her hubby. He is proud to wearable her. He wants to bear witness her off. He praises her before others.

When she honors him as king of her domicile, he will rise to kingly heights in his manhood. When she awards him 'showtime rank' he becomes complimentary to reach his full potential and is inspired to do things he never thought possible. He will treat his married woman like a Queen with dignity and respect.

Have you crowned your husband? The more than richly y'all crown him the more y'all volition be blest.

What does the crown wait like with which you beautify your married man? Does it expect tarnished and foreign because many jewels are missing? Or is it filled with precious gems? What are some of the gems that will brand your husband proud to wear yous as his crown?

Is your crown decorated with diamonds of devotion, dedication, dignity and diligence that will delight his soul?

Have you ready in sapphires that will smooth and sparkle with a serving, sacrificial and submissive spirit? Are you lot sweet to him? Are you a force and support to his vision and goals in life? Are yous sensitive to his needs? Are you lot steadfast in your loyalty and delivery to your marriage?

Accept you lot positioned pearls in your crown – pearls of patience, peace, perseverance and prayer for your husband?

Oh don't forget the rubies, the rarest of all gems. Is your crown radiating with rubies of reverence and respect for your husband?

Is your crown ornamented with opals of openness, obedience, overflowing love and the oil of joy?

Don't forget the emeralds that emanate esteem, hostage delivery, encouragement and endurance.

Adorn your crown with amethysts of admiration, affection, affirmation, approval, appreciation and considerateness.

Just a minute! You tin can't forget the crowning jewel of all – contentment! This precious stone adds luster to your crown. This jewel releases your hubby from bondage and pressure. Sadly, it is often a missing precious stone. Information technology'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to exist content when you accept everything you desire. But can you larn to be content when you don't have everything you want? Tin you be content with what your husband provides for you lot? I am ever challenged past Psalm 128:3 TLB where it talks about the "contented" wife in the dwelling.

"If I practise all this, he'll walk all over me," you lot say. "He'll get proud and he's already got a big enough head!" Information technology doesn't work that way, dear one. When you forget about yourself and seek to anoint and serve your husband, you not only crown him with dignity and honor, but yous truly get his crown. You won't be subservient. You'll be worn on his head as his nearly treasured possession.

Why non start calculation precious jewels to your crown today?



"Father God, I confess my sin to y'all of not crowning my hubby. I am so decorated thinking of myself that I forget to crown him with blessings. Assistance me to be a crown upon his head that will cause him to shine for the glory of God and to "sit down in the gate of the urban center." Show me the jewels that you desire me to add to his crown. Relieve me from doing things that will make him ashamed. Please help me, Lord. Amen."


A adult female who is a crown to her husband…

C Cherishes her husband. (Titus 2:iv)

R Reverences her married man. (Ephesians 5:33)

O Obeys her husband. (Titus 2:v)

Due west Watches over her husband to do him good. (Prov 31:xi-12)

N Never nags her hubby. (Proverbs xix:thirteen; 21:9,19; 27:15)


I'd love to share with you lot some very beautiful wedlock vows that a immature couple wrote for one another for their wedding recently. Really, I shared with the young bride near being a "crown" to her married man at her Wedding Shower and I was thrilled to notice that she added this to her cute vows.

"My love, no one has heard me the fashion that you understand me.

No one has touched my heart the way that you heal me.

No one has loved me the way that you fill me.

No one has presented Jesus' love the way that you make Him my Prince.

No one has mirrored me the way that yous complete me.

No one deserves my love the way that you humbly accept it.

I take you for all that you are all that you lot'll always be, as my FOREVER Beloved.

It is my want to join with you hand in hand with our Begetter, to bring more of God's kingdom to this globe.

It is my want to be a virtuous wife, that you may wear a crown on your head.

Today, I requite to you and to the Lord my life and my worth.

I return from independence to dependence.

From now through eternity I am yours…

Yeah, and Amen, your Bride.

And here are the Groom'southward vows…

Today, I make a covenant with God and with you to dear you like Jesus loves the church.

To learn your 'love language' more than fluently and and then to speak it more than clearly.

I hope to lift you up on my shoulders if God's plan for your life seems out of sight.

To agree your hand when you feel like information technology is night all around y'all.

I promise, with the grace of God, to make you and our family unit first in all that I practise.

Not to leave you behind, merely to walk by your side every day.

I believe that God's intention for my life was to marry you lot and share the remainder of my life with you.

Then, I pick up the rod of husbandhood and leadership and put on the cloak of humility.

I as well promise to have a lot of fun with you!

Your Groom.

Didn't yous dearest these vows?

Jewel Of The Crown Meaning,


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