
What Is Approach Approach Conflict

The chief conflicts are Approach-Approach, Avoidance-Avoidance, Approach-Avoidance, Double Approach-Abstention conflict.

  1. Approach-Approach Conflict - Approach-approach conflict is betwixt two positive goals. The person is equally attracted to both the goals and must make a choice. He/She may be happy with the choice made or experience some regret. For due east.g., Sumit has to cull between going for a schoolhouse trip or for a vacation with his family during the summer vacations.
  2. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict - In the avoidance-avoidance conflict, the person is faced with two goals with negative values. Both the goals appear unattractive. He/She is repelled past both goals but must choose one of them. For thousand., Anju doesn't want to attend lectures as she finds them dull merely she also doesn't want to appear on the attendance defaulter list.
  3. Arroyo-Avoidance Conflict - In the arroyo-avoidance disharmonize, the individual is faced with a goal that has both positive and negative values. So he is both attracted to and repelled by the goal. It is the almost difficult conflict to resolve. For e.thousand., Samir wants to have up a task equally the bacon is excellent but the mail service doesn't accept job security.
  4. Double Approach-Avoidance Conflict - In double approach-avoidance Conflict, the individual is faced with two goals each having positive and negative values. He/She must choose 1 goal, lose the other goal, and accept the negative values of the goal he/she has chosen. For e.thousand., Nisha wants to become a pilot but the toll is prohibiting. She can also become a beautician but it is a depression paying, non-glamorous task.

What Is Approach Approach Conflict,


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