
5 8 Converted To Decimal

In this section, you will learn how to convert fractions into decimals, with \( \dfrac{5}{eight} \) equally an example.

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Lesson Plan

How To Write \( \frac{five}{8} \) As a Decimal?

The fraction \( \dfrac{5}{8} \) is a proper fraction, as the numerator is less than the denominator.

It tin exist represented through the below-given diagram:

5/8 as a fraction

To convert the fraction \( \dfrac{5}{8} \) as a decimal number we use the following steps:

Pace 1

Write the given fraction in long sectionalisation format.

Here 8 is the divisor and 5 is the dividend.

5/8 as a decimal

Step 2

The long division is carried subsequently, which gives the output of \( \dfrac{5}{eight} \) every bit a decimal.

5/8 as a decimal

As we encounter, sectionalization leaves remainder 0 giving a quotient 0.625

Hence \( \dfrac{five}{8} \) as a decimal is given every bit 0.625

What is \( \frac{5}{eight} \) As a Decimal and Percent?

5/8 Every bit a Decimal Number

\( \dfrac{v}{8} \) as a decimal point is given as 0.625

The fraction \( \dfrac{5}{8} \)  as a decimal rounded to two digits will be 0.63 The decimal number 0.625 lies between 0.62 and 0.63

5/8 as a decimal rounded to two digits

The fraction \( \dfrac{5}{8} \) as a decimal number is 0.625 which can exist converted from decimal to fraction in the post-obit fashion:

5/8 as a decimal number

\( \frac{5}{viii} \) every bit Percentage

To write whatsoever fraction every bit percent, only multiply the fraction by 100

\( \dfrac{five}{8} \times 100\)

The value of fraction can exist written as \( \dfrac{500}{8}\)

The fraction \( \dfrac{500}{viii} \) is simplified as \( \dfrac{125}{2} \) which tin further be converted to a decimal.

5/8 as percent

The fraction \( \dfrac{v}{8} \) can exist written equally 62.v%

tips and tricks

Tips and Tricks

  • In the fraction \( \dfrac{5}{eight} \), the denominator is an even number. Hence for \( \dfrac{5}{8} \) every bit a decimal and percent, the value decimal doesn't recur giving an easily rounding percent. This applies to all the fractions with fifty-fifty denominators.

How Practice You Make \( \frac{5}{8} \) into a Percent?

The fraction \( \dfrac{5}{8} \) can be expressed into pct in two ways:

  • Method ane: Multiplying the fraction directly by 100
  • Method 2: Converting the fraction to a decimal number and and so multiplying it by 100

Method 1: Multiplying the fraction directly by 100

The fraction \( \dfrac{5}{8} \) is directly multiplied by 100, which gives 62.5%

Method two: Converting the fraction to a decimal number and then multiplying information technology by 100

The fraction \( \dfrac{5}{eight} \) is converted to decimal which gives the value 0.625

On multiplying the converted value to 100 we get,

\( 0.625 \times 100 = 62.5%\)

Solved Examples

Jenny, Kaley, Penny and Amy ordered one pizza for themselves each. If each one could eat just five-eighth of their pizzas, what is the percentage of pizza consumed by each?

Solved Example: Pizza Shop showing 4 girls: 5/8 as a decimal


Each one of them could eat only five-eighth of their pizzas.

Five-eighth as a decimal point is 0.625

To notice the percentage of pizza consumed past each one of them, multiply the decimal value to 100

The obtained value is 62.v%

\(\therefore\) Each one of them ate simply 62.5% of their pizza.

Claire saw some statistical data that read that 85 out of 136 people prefer being awake at dark than waking upwards early. Help her detect the percentage of people who prefer waking upwardly early in morning.

Solved Example: Girl working at night: 5/8 as a percent


85 out of 136 people adopt being awake at night. This shows the fraction \( \dfrac{v}{8}\) prefers being awake at dark.

The per centum of people who prefer being awake at nighttime is given equally,

\( \dfrac{five}{eight} \times 100 = 62.5%\)

The per centum of people who prefer waking upwards early is given as,

\(100 - 62.5 = 37.5\)

\(\therefore\) 37.five% people prefer waking up early on in morning.

What volition Valerie give the answer for below given questions?

  1. \( \dfrac{5}{8} \)  as a decimal rounded off to two decimal places.
  2. \( \dfrac{5}{viii} \) equally a decimal point expressed in per centum and its nearest rounded off value.


Valerie will solve the questions in the following way:

  1. \( \dfrac{five}{8} \) equally a decimal rounded off to two decimal places:

\( \dfrac{5}{8} \) can be written as a decimal as 0.625

Solved Example: 5/8 as a decimal

Valerie knows 0.625 lies between 0.62 and 0.63. Any decimal number which ends in five gets rounded off to adjacent college number.

\( \dfrac{5}{8}\)  as a decimal rounded off to ii decimal places gives value 0.63

Function 2: \( \dfrac{5}{eight}\)  equally a decimal point expressed in percentage and its nearest rounded off value.

The fraction \( \dfrac{five}{8}\) as a decimal point expressed in percentage is given as 62.5%

To round off this value to its nearest value, the value is rounded off to 63%, due to the presence of 5 in the end.

\(\therefore\) The answers given by Valerie will be:

1. 0.63

two. 63%

Interactive Questions

Here are a few activities for yous to do.

Select/Type your respond and click the "Check Answer" push button to see the issue.

Challenge your math skills

Challenging Questions

How can Henry represent the following fractions as a decimal and pct?

  1. \( \dfrac{18}{23}\)
  2. \( \dfrac{twenty}{225}\)

Let's Summarize

Nosotros hope yous enjoyed learning well-nigh ⅝ every bit a decimal with the practice questions. At present, you lot will be able to easily solve bug on decimal to fraction.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is \( \dfrac{9}{20} \) as a decimal?

\( \dfrac{9}{20} \) equally decimal is 0.45

2. What is \( \dfrac{11}{27} \) equally a decimal?

\( \dfrac{xi}{27} \) as a decimal is 0.407407, a recurring decimal number.

3. What is \( \dfrac{1}{3} \) every bit a decimal?

\( \dfrac{1}{three} \) every bit a decimal is 0.333, a recurring decimal number.

5 8 Converted To Decimal,


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